What Are The Major Google Ranking Factors?

SEO is the backbone of every website today. Without it, your website will not be able to sustain. There is a lot of uncertainty when it comes to what works or what doesn’t for your website to rank better in the search results. Because Google has not disclosed its algorithms, the SEO community is always guessing and looking for ranking factors. It is said that there are over two hundred ranking factors so far. Luckily, you do not have to worry about all the ranking factors.
You can quickly get your website optimized for all two hundred ranking factors by handing over this task to a professional SEO Agency India .
Top 8 Google Ranking Factors
In this article, we will discuss the top 8 google ranking factors that you must be mindful of beating your competitors in the Google Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).
·        Backlinks
·        HTML Tags
·        Semantic Saturation
·        User Behaviour
·        Structured Data
·        Google My Business Listing
·        Mobile Optimization
·        Core Web Metrics
Backlinks are one of the oldest Google ranking factors that can either increase or decrease your ranking position based on the page authority and relevance score of the websites you receive backlinks from. Even though Google is planning to eliminate backlinks as a ranking factor in the future, they still hold importance today. The only difference between the then and now backlink practice is that you have to be mega careful from where you build your backlinks. Unlike earlier, you can not form backlinks mindlessly on every website - whether it is relevant to your niche or not.
HTML tags are the ones which indicate Google of what parts of your website are the essential ones. The significant components of HTML tags include title and meta descriptions, heading tags, and more. The title and meta description tags help users see what your web page content is all about - best practice is to try incorporating your primary keywords in Meta Title and Description tags to improve relevancy.
The ultimate goal of every website is to make it appeal to the website visitors in a way that they convert into your paying customers. Living in the information age, the attention span of every user has reduced. This said you have only a few seconds to leave a lasting impression on your potential customers. In such a case, enhancing user behaviour comes in handy.
Core Wen Vitals is the latest user experience metric that will soon become one of the significant Google ranking factors. This metric will analyze the first impression that a site visitor gets when visiting a webpage. In other words, Core Web Vitals will measure how fast your website loads, how quickly the user becomes to engage with your site, and how stable your site layout is.
Read More https://www.digitaloye.com/blog/what-are-the-major-google-ranking-factors