Shiv Shankar Nair is currently the Chairman Emeritus of Suez Holdings and Vanuatu's Envoy Extraordinary to The Commonwealth in London

His background is in Financial Engineering and Government Advisory roles. He is also recognized as a leading practitioner of Conflict Resolution among Sovereign states

Created by shivshankarnair Aug 27, 2020

Mr.Shiv Shankar Nair has spent the past twenty years in putting together some of the most iconic infrastructure projects in Africa and Latin America, using Chinese Exim credits, so much so, that the Economist magazine once dubbed him "China's secret weapon in Africa"


Joe say

My day-to-day normally consists of some walking, moderate lifting, and eating reasonably healthily with the odd bit of junk thrown in. I am by no means an athlete, let alone an elite one.


Joe say

My actual health and fitness regime is mediocre at best, so imagine the insuppressible moment of sheer dread when I saw what was on my plate (literally) for the next seven days.

To help me keep on top of that and all that comes with it, I got a Wearable

This invaluable piece of wearable tech will help me monitor my 'performance' stats - burned calories, distance covered, sleep, and heart rate - as well as give me reminders to stick to my ultra-strict schedule.

Here goes...

Day 1: Am I an athlete now?


Joe say

This getting up and going for a run at 6AM feels really strange. Saw a guy casually walking his dog and he just looked at me as if to say "what on earth are you doing?"


Joe say

Anyway, 5K, one huge bowl of oatmeal, and some egg whites later, I'm off to the gym.


Joe say

I check my stats for the day on the Fitbit. Even though I feel like a shadow of my former self, I also feel a little bit like a footballer when they analyse their heat maps and distance covered in the full-time analysis show.


Wearable say

Your daily stats:
Average heart rate: 72 BPM
Total Steps: 19,229
Distance Covered: 10.5KM
Sleep: 8.32 Hrs


Joe say

What have I turned into? Am I an elite athlete now? Is this how they operate?


Joe say

It's 9.30PM, or as it's now known - bedtime. I'm exhausted, but wide awake.

Day 2: Mixed emotions


Joe say

If I could describe my emotions this morning, they're somewhere between a) putting this oatmeal I've just made in the bin whilst simultaneously ordering a massive greasy fry-up, and b) going for a longer run just so I can beat my stats from yesterday.


Wearable say

6AM - Time for your 5K run

You don't need to be an athlete to track your biometrics and enhance your performance in 2018

Whatever your lifestyle, whatever your goals - there's a Wearable model for you.

Wearables track every part of your day including activity, exercise, food, weight and sleep—to help you find your fit, stay motivated, and see how small steps make a big impact.