School Competition Ideas for the Younger Generation 

Rihanna D'souza
Created by Rihanna D'souza Jan 29, 2020

School Competition Ideas for the Younger Generation 

Healthy competition should be mandated in schools as it is an excellent way to keep the students on their toes and also to motivate them to be a better version of themselves.  School Competition need not always be based on academics, conducting activities outside the curriculum which has been drafted by the board of education helps with character building. These could just be fun events that are regulated by the school to ensure over all development of the children. The faculty must understand that these competitions are not a method to determine the efficiency levels of individual students, rather it should be a way to instill curiosity in the young minds

Competition Ideas For School could be inspired from everyday activities which are relatively easy to carry out. Few of them have been elaborately mentioned in the list given below.
·Arts and Craft: The main purpose of this contest should be having fun, only then would children take up interest in such extra - curricular activities. Arts and crafts is considered to be a big package which helps in the enhancement of the concentration levels of the children and also boosts their self - confidence. The creative juices in the brain tend to flow only when the kids are exposed to the idea of innovation and creation.
·Fancy Dress: Younger kids spend a lot of time in front of the television which is at most times extremely harmful to the eyes and the brain, but what if there is a way to create these animations in real life rather having them resort to visual form of entertainment. A fancy dress contest in schools is a fun and exciting tactic to get the kids to draft different characters inspired from different shows. One could also create a little twist in the contest by prompting them to create their own versions of the character in the form of dialogues or silent acting.
·Developing a Short Film: Pick a genre, allot a teachers to assist the various groups and students, and then let the students take charge. Writing a draft for the story life, choosing the props, taking auditions for the characters, all need to be done by the students. This develops leadership skills as itstimulates the feeling of responsibility. The short film could then be judged on the basis of the effort put into the story as well on the hard work that has been done in front and behind the camera.
·Science Fare: Technology, without any doubt governs major portions of our life, and thus there is always the requirement of brining about more advancements to the present day equipment and appliances. The future citizens of the nation would have to take up the responsibility of creating a more efficient and effortless form of lifestyle. Therefore, the students must be encourage to take part in the technological or science related contests which are highly helpful in development of skills that are considered to be necessary by moist organizations.