Are student loans in India only confined to Educational loans?

The importance of education in the life of an individual is irreplaceable. Education does not only equip the individual with the necessary professional skills but also in becoming a responsible citizen and develops intellect on humanitarian grounds. Education loan has always played a very important role in overcoming the financial obstacles in an individual's way to achieve the desired education. Do you think a poor farmer can send his child with brainstorming abilities to achieve any sort of professional education? However this aspect has now become a possibility with Loan For Students in India.

Do you think that a student is only eligible to apply for an education loan? Is it easy for one to manage all the expenses like hostel accommodations, books, or if anyone wants to gather some extra knowledge by applying in some extra courses when his already dependent on the education loan? So let's see can students apply for other loans as well?

Are personal loans an option? Personal loans are an option and they are even offered by many institutions to help the students with the financial requirement which their individual salaries cannot meet. As for a personal loan, the applicant needs a regular source of income, so in the case of students, the parent or the spouse can be added as the co-applicant. Let's take an example like a student is studying business and instead of going and working in a firm in the future he wants to establish his business side by side. In such a situation personal loans helps a lot.

Even though the basic Loan For Students in India are education loans, but that doesn't mean that the individual cannot apply for any other sort of loan. They can do so only after meeting all the eligibility criteria offered by the institution.

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