Test your knowledge of 2019's scientific trivia
How do staff at the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital in New South Wales revive young koalas badly burned in wildfires, as we reported in June?
In April, we joined acoustic researcher Unto Laine in the Arctic circle as he listened for the sound of what?
In March, NASA embarrassingly had to cancel the first all-women spacewalk because of a lack of suitably sized suits. As of July 2019, what percentage of all space travellers had been women, did we report?
Staying in space, in January, we looked at the concept of "space elevators". How thick a steel cable would be needed for an elevator to transport people and goods to a satellite 100,000 kilometres up?
What reward did researchers give crabs to entice them to find their way through a complex maze, did we discover in October?
We celebrated the first picture of a black hole in April by asking what would happen if you fell into one. Which of these scenarios do physicists consider plausible?
In May, deep-life researcher Cara Magnabosco shared with us her estimate of the proportion of all microbial life on Earth that lives in the "dark biosphere" deep underground. What was it?
A study in August showed that people with children are happier than people without children under what circumstances?
The scourge of microplastics made huge headlines in 2019. How many microplastic particles are released from a single plastic teabag steeped in water at 95°C, according to Canadian research published in September?
If tea is too dangerous, try alcohol. In February, German researchers reported that to avoid a bad hangover, you should do what?
In June, we went on a fact-finding mission to Mars to assess the prospects for human habitation there. Which of these did we consider a plausible first home?
How much of success is down to luck, according to an analysis of career achievements in science, film and music published in September by a team of researchers at the top of their game?
According to a news story in March, when researcher Sidney Tamm was examining a warty comb jelly (Mnemiopsis leidyi) in his lab, what was he surprised not to find?
That same month, we reported on a problematic new version of the Schrödinger's cat quantum thought experiment that allows two observers to see two contradictory realities simultaneously. How often on average would this occur?
Also in March, we told the true story of how Britain divorced itself from continental Europe. What was (probably) the decisive moment?
"Spontaneity and diversity of movement to music are not uniquely human" was the title of a paper published in July that identified 14 separate dance moves performed by what animal?
July also marked the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. With what cargo did NASA engineers often have to share their flights back home from the launch base in Cape Canaveral, Florida, did we learn?
In November, we reported on a new technology using patterns in shadows to help us see around corners. What everyday object cast the shadows used in the first demonstration?