More Frequently Asked Questions About Window Film

Johnson Darcy
Created by Johnson Darcy Jun 1, 2020

More Frequently Asked Questions About Window Film

You are probably aware that window tinting can be added to car and truck windows, but did you also know it can be applied to home and office windows? In fact, professionally installed mirror film can have some amazing benefits, including: improving energy efficiency, protecting furniture and flooring from fading, and minimizing glare. If this is new information, you may have a lot more questions about window film. While we answer many questions in our initial Window Film FAQ's blog we’ve since noted a few more popular questions that we plan to answer in this follow up post.

How Long Do Window Films Last?
Window films are made to last several years, sometimes as long as 20-25 years. A window film that is professionally installed by Meridian Window Tint will last many years with the exact time depending on the type of film, size, type of glass, climate and how you care for the film and the glass well after installation. Note that our 3M window films come with a Residential Limited Lifetime Product Warranty.

Can a Window Film Protect my Windows Against Natural Disasters?
Sun control window films (tinting) are not designed to stop natural disasters. However, they do offer safety in certain situations. This is because window film drastically reduces the risk that small shards of broken glass could end up flying through your house if your window is impacted. This depends greatly on the severity of the storm and the amount of force it is struck with. If you have concerns about greater outside risks to your property, you may want to consider looking at safety and security window films.

Does the UV Protection in Window Film Fade Over Time?
The UV protection offered by window film is not indefinite, but it does maintain high UV protection for well over a decade.

Do Window Films Affect my Double-Glazed Windows?
No. Some customers have shown concern regarding the use of a window film and the seal of a double-glazed windows. However, window films do not cause seal failure even if they are applied to the inside pane of an insulated glass unit. The risk of seal failure depends on the workmanship and quality of the materials used in the building of your insulated glass unit. This means that a high-quality window manufacturer will make it less likely that installing a window film will damage your double glazing. If you still skeptical or have concerns about window film and its compatibility with dual pane glass, or any glass type for that matter, we invite you to visit the National Fenestration Resource Council (NFRC) website and read up on their findings regarding window film for residential and commercial use.

Can I Install a Window Film Myself?
Installing a window film is done with specific tools and training to ensure that they are installed correctly. While it’s possible to attempt this yourself, a lack of experience and training will likely cause the window film installation to be frustrating and unsatisfactory, causing a number of issues and making it unlikely that you’ll get the full benefits of a window film. In addition, Meridian Window Tint is a 3M Prestige Dealer of window films meaning we have access to higher quality window films than are available at box stores. By hiring us, we can also offer a warranty for your investment.

Does Window Film Have Commercial Uses?
Yes, many. Commercial customers use window film for a variety of purposes that aren’t dissimilar to residential customers. For example, it can help to lower heating and cooling operating costs, lower utility demand costs and also improve the overall comfort for people inside. It can also provide privacy and improve the aesthetics of a property by creating a uniform appearance.
We hope our FAQ blogs have helped to offer insight regarding residential window film and commercial window film. If your question has yet to be answered, feel free to check out some of our other blogs or contact us via our contact form.
Readmore: What You Should Know About Safety and Security Window Film