6 Potential Side Effects Of Scoliosis Surgery

joe vogas
Created by joe vogas Feb 7, 2020

6 Potential Side Effects Of Scoliosis Surgery

Scoliosis is a condition that causes the spine to curve either to the left or right. There are many alternative methods you can treat scoliosis such as physical therapy exercises, yoga, braces and more. However, not knowing much about the side effects of scoliosis surgery, many people go for this procedure.
Let’s take a look at some of the effect of scoliosis surgery


A person may likely encounter a certain amount of bleeding during the procedure. Although if a portion of the blood loss during surgery may be saved and given back to the patient, in serious cases, it may lead to other complications. 

Nerve damage

It is possible that a person’s nerves or blood vessels may be injured during these operations. If you have to opt for this procedure, make sure your surgeon or a technician monitors your nerve function throughout surgery to lessen the risk. 

Weak back and muscles

Prolonged use of braces does weaken the back. Doctors usually recommend wearing braces for at least 16 or more hours a day over several years. Over time, the stress of being trapped in rigid plastic can cause permanent changes to a growing child’s body and severely weaken the nerves and muscles surrounding the spine.

Joint degeneration

Braces are used after scoliosis surgery to support the back. However, joints lose their flexibility and often develop degenerative problems if they're confined within them. People also experience limited spinal function and severe disability scoliosis surgery.

Lost mobility

Patients choosing invasive treatments like spinal fusion surgery suffer a lot of complexities. The side effects of scoliosis surgery are more severe than non-invasive treatments. It can result in a complete disability with lost body movements and control. Doctors use a steel rod to fuse multiple vertebrae, irreversibly changing the spine’s biomechanics. Once blended, the vertebrae are no longer flexible, capable of extension, rotation, or lateral bending.

Pain at the graft site

A person who is undergoing a scoliosis surgery may experience persistent pain at the bone graft site.
Make sure you know the side effects of scoliosis surgery before opting for this procedure. You can consider non-invasive treatment as they have less complicated risks and are more effective. However, all procedures are specific to the individual patient and may encounter different results. Complications such as infection, nerve damage, blood loss, and bowel and bladder problems are some of the potential risks of any type of spinal surgery, including spinal fusion for the treatment of scoliosis.
Author: The author is a blogger and the article talks about 6 Potential Side Effects Of Scoliosis Surgery.