What was your motivation to start your business?
An employee approaches you and says they are being bullied by a coworker. How do you respond?
A lucrative business opportunity presents itself. However, it’s risky. Do you do it? What’s your business’s risk tolerance?
An interviewee just came in and you contemplate hiring her because…
What do you look for in an employee?
If a client was running late delivering your company a product. How would you react?
Pick the three you think are the best tools for success:
A critic just bashed you online, how do you react?
Can the business function day to day without me?
How do you measure business success?
You answered mostly A’s you are: THE HUSTLER
You answered mostly A’s you are: THE HUSTLER
A hustler is described as “an aggressively enterprising person; a go-getter.” You are the go-getter in the business world. You’re the pilot and your business is the plane, without you, it’s grounded.
Pros: You are an extremely hard worker and dedicate your time and effort - no questions asked. I know it, you know it, every knows it, you’re going to achieve great success.
Cons: You should remember that the help from other people can be very beneficial. Don’t overwork yourself.
You answered mostly B’s you are: THE CONTEMPORARY
You answered mostly B’s you are: THE CONTEMPORARY
If it’s current, trendy and beloved - you know all about it. People look to you for your contemporary take on all the latest trends.
Pros: You’re a crowd favorite with great connections in your industry. You are often inspired by notable people and see imitation as a form of flattery.
Cons: It may be hard for you to look past the trends and try to remember to develop your own unique style.
You answered mostly C’s you are: THE NURTURER
You answered mostly C’s you are: THE NURTURER
You strive to be a mentor and supporter to your employees and It’s easy for you to see the potential inside of everyone. You see your coworkers as your friends and even family.
Pros: Everyone who works with you adores you. You trust your clients and find comfort in knowing they trust you too.
Cons: Sometimes - when you try to be everyone’s best friend - your boss style can suffer. People can work autonomously and you should learn to remind them that you’re in charge.
You answered mostly D’s you are: THE PROFESSOR
You answered mostly D’s you are: THE PROFESSOR
You are an intellect who values research and hardwork. You believe that “leaders develop leaders” and hard work comes to those who study it. You’re a pragmatic business owner, your realm is results and consequences.
Pros: You are a sharp-witted leader who knows how to provide thorough delegations that will assist you in the long run.
Cons: You should remember that life and business is not all cerebral - sometimes you gotta go with your gut.