Playing any kind of outdoor game, be football or anything else, is always an enjoyable experience for children. The moment they are set free from their studies to play their favorite outdoor game, they are the happiest to enter their world of joy. When it comes to learning their lessons or completing homework, they are never in the mood – some may keep their books open (pretending to read of course!)and wander in their own sweet world while others are already outside kicking the ball!

Given that your child shows interest in football spontaneously, thoughts of enrolling him/her in an academy for children’s football coaching in Bristol or elsewhere have already occupied your mind. But there is just one problem – is your child really ready for proper football coaching lessons? If that is what you are worried about, this blog is just for you. Read it all to know more!

4 Signs that Say Your Child is Ready For Formal Football Training

1. Seeks free time only to play

Your child is always on the lookout for some free time, even if it is for 30 minutes, only to play football. Time is precious to him/her not for completing homework or helping you out but only for football. What your child chooses to do during his/her free time, reveals a lot about their passions, interests and at times, future aims too.

2. Understands the importance of commitment

Attending toddler football classes to train this game is not as simple as it may sound. Your child needs to have patience, dedication and a serious mind to learn the techniques and develop important football skills. It takes time to become a good player and till then, he/she must be motivated and dedicated in attending the classes and practices every week at the right time. Should he/she complain regularly about going to the football training school being ‘boring’, ‘annoying’ or ‘useless’, sadly, your child is not committed enough to take football lessons.

3. Must want to play football by himself/herself

 If football is your child’s passion, you don’t need to force him/her to play it every time. Rather, you need to call them inside to have their meals, study or help you out! Compelling your child to play football isn’t the way to develop interest in the game; instead, such an act could bring forth consequences in the long run. Children usually grow an interest in football when they see their friends playing the same game or a majority of the family members are often watching an exciting match on the television or at the stadium.

4. Emotionally ready? Yes, he/she is!

Most children are easily emotionally affected. They get irritated, angry, sad or happy instantly. But if a child can overcome that quickly, congratulations! He/she is emotionally ready. In any kind of game, in this case football, there’ll be a winner as well as a loser. Every game has its share of both the good and the bad and not to forget, football is an emotional game. But if your child believes in ‘failure is the stepping stone to success’, more than half the battle is won. Your child is ready for private football coaching in Bristol or elsewhere.

Conclusion: Learning football is an excellent way to encourage a positive attitude, teamwork and sportsmanship. Most importantly, if your child is obtaining training from a good football coach, the lessons become all the more interesting and motivating. So, if your child is physically, mentally and emotionally ready, attending children's football coaching classes can be a rewarding experience. To know more about our junior soccer training, reach us on