Stop and Stare MM

Created by lindamiller Jan 26, 2021

Mobile Billboard Trucks - A Primer on Mobile Outdoor Advertising

Mobile billboard trucks, commonly alluded to as mobile billboards, mobile ad trucks, billboard trucks, ad trucks, or mobile media vehicles, are normally a self propelled vehicle dependent on a light obligation commercial truck body, which has been fitted with a custom constructed, two or three sided sign edge.

There are an assortment of sign framework plans, including tri-face and scrolling models that look like modified box trucks, and which can support various advertisers. However, the most common style is known as a static truck which by and large highlights two boards, each estimating roughly 22' wide by 9' - 10' high. As of late, with the advent of great format computerized printing, the sign boards have evolved from paper posters to scrim reinforced hefty vinyl texture, and most as of late to polyethylene which is supposed to be effectively reused. 

The Outdoor Advertising Association of America characterizes mobile billboard trucks under the Transit category, which incorporates an assortment of non-traditional out-of-home media formats. Billboard trucks have a moderately ongoing history, with some of the soonest mobile billboards reportedly showing up in New York City in the 1980's.

Others have credited their origins to Texas and Southern California. During a new conference call among mobile billboard company heads hosted and moderated by the OAAA, on which this author partook, a few of the members assessed that nationally, there are 500 or less mobile billboard trucks on the road in the United States. 

Mobile billboards are utilized for a wide assortment of advertising purposes. With their capacity to drive for all intents and purposes anyplace, they are remarkably ready to focus on a particular locale to promote the Grand Opening of a retail location or a café. Unfortunately, given the current economic atmosphere, promoting retail location Bankruptcies and Close-out Sales progressively is by all accounts a normal task for billboard trucks. 

On a broader scale, different billboard trucks have regularly been utilized simultaneously inside a market, or across various business sectors, to promote the roll-out of another consumer product, or just like the case in late October 2008, promoting the Obama-Biden Presidential Campaign in a modest bunch states were the polls shown that it was a close race. There have even been a couple of examples, on both B to B and B to C ad crusades, where two trucks have driven pair, including a two-section message. 

Like any good advertising message, the imaginative component is basic to catching the public's attention and making it follow up on the message. With outdoor advertising as a rule, advertisers are encouraged to follow the adage, "words usually can't do a picture justice" and prominently include their logo and an illustration addressing the message's topic, followed by a reasonable source of inspiration and an approach to contact the advertiser.

Surely, it is this last component that has steadily evolved. A long time back advertisers were fundamentally restricted to an '800' number, while lately the inventive also included a site URL which prospects could visit at their convenience to study the company and its products, prior to settling on a buying decision. Most as of late, with the unique growth of Social Media, we have begun to notice advertisers featuring their quality on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and other platforms. 

At Guerrilla Billboards, we have been executing advertising lobbies for our customers since 1999. Going from the roads of New York City to radiant Southern California, our mobile billboard trucks have served a wide assortment of organizations - from enormous Fortune 500companies to moderately little grassroots organizations, for example, a fan club protesting the decision by a major TV network to drop its individuals' favorite show about a vampire.