Would you Rather... In Person or Online Edition

During lockdown we asked you 'would you rather' questions about your time at home/physical distancing/in quarantine. Now, we are interested to see how the lockdown period has changed your opinions (or how they have stayed the same) about doing things virtually versus in person!

This is just for a bit of fun and there is no submit button at the end. You simply pick your top answer for each question. Once you have chosen your answer, you can see how others voted. We might also share the most popular responses on Insta.
All your answers are anonymous.

Kids Helpline Australia
Created by Kids Helpline Australia Feb 10, 2021

Would you rather have dinner online or in person with...

Calculating results

Would you rather only socialize on social media or only face-to-face

Calculating results

Would you rather eat your favourite junk food alone at home or out with others...

Calculating results

How would you rather chat with your bestie...

Calculating results

Would you rather...

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Would you rather...

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Would you rather watch Netflix alone or with friends...

Calculating results

Would you rather study online or in person?

Calculating results

Would you rather order in or go out to eat?

Calculating results

Would you rather shop online or go in person...

Calculating results