Python is at the heart of today's analytics industry

A new decade is upon us and things have changed in the technological sphere faster than most of us would have expected. Big data has become part and parcel of every enterprise. Accumulation and storage of data do not concern people as much as it used to do. The concern now is to produce actionable insights from the collected data as quickly as possible. For those enterprises which had invested their time and money in data analytics, it is about time to reap the fruits.

What has not really changed through the course of the years is the popularity of Python among both the programmers and the analysts. Python is a general purpose programming language which can be used for a wide range of tasks. And it has virtually ruled the market for both Application development and for analytics for a significant span of time. 

What makes Python so popular

Python is simple, effective, and powerful, that is why it is popular too. For a technological suit to be popular it needs to appeal to the users with its simplicity. Python has clearly done that.

●     The basic syntax of Python is based on the standard English alphabet and vocabulary. This makes it easier for a lot of users to learn it.
●     Python also needs fewer lines of code to get a job done than most other languages.
●     Python is an open source software suit which means most of its functions are accessible without any expense.
●     It is constantly updated to match the needs of the time.
Now, all these properties contribute to the popularity of Python. But what makes it so special for the data analysts?

Python for Data science

Python has a large number of libraries which have been especially curated for the purpose of data science and analysis. The Python libraries like NumPy, Py-torch, tensorflow, keras, scikit learn, etc. have inherent qualities that aid the purpose of data analysis.

The tensorflow library is heavily used for deep learning. It is evident that Python is the best suited tool for training machine learning algorithms too. As a whole it is a package that you do not want to miss. 

In the job market

Python gets the job done that is why there are jobs for personnel with Python skills. Python has an easy learning curve with great potential for advancement. At any given point of time you'll find a tonne of vacant positions for people trained in Python. Python training in Malaysia is easily available. All you need to do is to get into a good institution, obtain online or offline training. And have a lot of fun. And if you are interested you can delve into the challenging and lucrative zones of deep learning and artificial intelligence with ease.

So, if you wish to become a part of the burgeoning analytics scene, learning Python is your best shot. The best part is you can learn Python as your first programming tool without any prior knowledge of programming.