Channels Reporting

Channels has a comprehensive reporting system that includes both a dashboard and an API for publishers to get the most updated relevant and reliable data.
in addition to that publishers can get real-time impressions and CPM price by submitting to a callback function.

Dave Roseberger
Created by Dave Roseberger Jun 10, 2020

Dashboard Reporting

The channels dashboard provides a macro look at the player’s key dimensions by breaking down to metrics and trends, making it easy for you to get valuable and actionable feedback based on performance.

API Reporting

The channels reporting API is a tool for your developers and data team, which allows an integration with the Channels backend data to your systems. Currently this API is updated every hour with accurate aggregated data with metrics such as your Revenue, RPM, Player loads etc.
For more information visit our developers portal

Custom Parameters

You can setup and pass any custom parameters to enhance and support your audience segmentations, user tracking and media buying.
For more information visit our developers portal

Real-time Metrics

In case you would like to take real-time decisions on the session runtime you can register a callback function and get each impression or CPM price in real time.
For more information visit our developers portal