10 Top Trending Discord Slangs You Must Know

Discord Kitten Memes
Created by Discord Kitten Memes Jun 21, 2023

Discord is among the most popular tools for interacting with friends, groups, and gamers. A unique culture and language have emerged due to its extensive use.

"Discord slang" or "Discord lingo" refers to words, phrases, or acronyms used by members of the Discord community.

 The network's most widely used slang, originally surfaced in 2016, is Discord Kitten. These people are also known as Sugar Babies, Cam Models, Escorts, and Discord Kittens. 

Using and understanding these slang phrases can improve your connection and conversation with other users. In this article, we'll go through the top 10 Discord slang expressions so you can stay updated with the newest slang and trends.

What is Discord Slang?

Words, phrases, acronyms, and inside jokes that have evolved within the Discord community are called "Discord slang."

These slang terms frequently come from particular servers or communities before slowly spreading across the entire network.

They act as a type of communication shorthand, enabling users to quickly and humorously express complicated concepts, feelings, or references.

History of Discord Slang

Discord terminology is essential for building community and belonging on Discord servers. Users who utilize it feel connected to and understood by their peers because it fosters an inclusive environment.

Additionally, employing Discord slang helps lighten and make conversations more enjoyable. Discord is a distinctive and lively platform because it gives interactions a layer of fun and excitement.

How to Use Discord Slang Effectively?

Step 1- Observe and learn.

As soon as you join a new Discord server, observe and get acquainted with the local slang. Pay attention to how slang is used in talks by other users and adjust as necessary.

Step 2- Get involved and ask

Don't be afraid to participate in conversations and employ slang yourself. Ask other users for definitions of terms you encounter if you're unclear.

The majority of Discord communities are helpful and welcoming.

Step 3- Context is crucial

Recognize that slang can vary in meaning depending on the community or environment. Before employing slang, pay attention to the dialogue, the subject being covered, and the server's atmosphere.

Step 4-Strike a balance

While employing Discord slang can be interesting and fun, it's important to avoid overusing them.

Slang overuse and inappropriate use can cause misunderstandings and annoyance among other users. Only sometimes and responsibly use slang.

Step 5-Respect and inclusivity

Pay attention to the slang usage policies on the server. Avoid employing slang that could be considered rude, discriminatory, or exclusive.

Ensure your slang adheres to the notion that Discord should be a friendly environment for all users.

Top 10 Trending Discord Slangs You Must Know

Here are the ten slangs which are mostly trending slang on the Discord platform.

1. AFK

The acronym AFK means "Away From Keyboard." When a user is momentarily unreachable or not actively engaged in the chat, this phrase is used to convey it.

Someone who declares they are "AFK" is not actively reading or replying to communications.

2. GG

GG stands for "Good Game." After a multiplayer game, it is a typical statement to demonstrate sportsmanship and thank the opposing team for a well-played battle. It is frequently used to show respect for adversaries.

3. LFG

LFG is an abbreviation for "Looking For Group." This expression is frequently used by users looking for other participants to join them in a game or activity.

If you hear someone mention LFG, it means they are looking for group members or teammates.

4. P.O.G./Poggers

P.O.G. or Poggers is a way to express surprise or enthusiasm. The Twitch streaming community first used it, and Discord users have since embraced it.

You might hear someone in the chat say P.O.G. or Poggers when something noteworthy or surprising occurs.

5. R.I.P.

R.I.P. is an acronym for "Rest in Peace." Although it was first employed to offer condolences to the departed, it is now frequently employed in a lighthearted or exaggerated context.

In a Discord chat, when someone says "R.I.P.," they frequently refer to a circumstance that didn't turn out as expected or ended in failure.


The acronym NSFW means "Not Safe for Work." It is used to denote material that should not be viewed formally or publicly because it is offensive or explicit.

Discord servers frequently use this phrase to identify channels or content that might include explicit or delicate material.

7. OP

OP is an abbreviation meaning "Overpowered." In a game or activity, it's used to denote something or someone who is especially powerful or in charge. A player is considered O.P. if they have a sizable edge over others.

8. BRB

The acronym BRB stands for "Be Right Back." It signals a brief absence or the user's impending departure from the chat. When someone shouts BRB, they mean they'll be back soon.

9. FTW

FTW is an acronym for "For the Win." It was first employed to convey zeal or support but is now also used to denote success or victory. Someone who says "F.T.W." is endorsing something or proclaiming their confidence in its excellence.

10. TL;DR

The acronym TL;DR means "Too Long; Didn't Read." It is used to briefly summarise long content or messages. THE AUTHOR PROVIDES a TL;DR summary of a discussion or article so readers can easily understand the major ideas.

Final Words

Discord's distinctive terminology and slang are becoming more and more popular. You can interact more efficiently and get more involved in the Discord community by being familiar with and comprehending these slang terms. We explored 10 of the most popular Discord slang phrases in this article so you can remain updated with the hottest terms.