What Resource Room Are You?

All will be revealed!

Camila Trimberger
Created by Camila Trimberger Apr 2, 2020

What's your go to coffee order?

Where would you be if we weren't quarantined

What's your favorite genre of music?

Pick a club to join

Pick a book you read for English

It's Wednesday! Where are you going for lunch?

Last question! How are you spending your quarantine?

Yearbook Resource

Yearbook Resource

Sure you may be a little dirty and gross but honestly? You pass the vibe test and your aesthetic is impeccable! Your taste in music is great and every one probably wants to be your friend. Be proud of who you are.

Math Resource

Math Resource

You like to stick to the rules and tbh that's not a bad thing! People respect you and often come to you for help. Haters will say you're bland but they're probably just jealous that you don't have any unexcused mods.

Science Resource

Science Resource

You're a gem! Always trying to stay positive and you probably love plants. You're the golden retriever of your friend group and I love that for you.

English Resource

English Resource

You're book smart and probably have a coffee addiction. Along with this, you may take your horoscope too seriously but you're the reliable one in your friend group since you always give the best advice.

Social Studies Resource

Social Studies Resource

You're a total bro but in the best way possible and are the always the most up to date on world news in your friend group. While haters may say you have an ego, they're just mad that you hold a top spot on the current events contest board and they don't.

You Just Leave the Building!

You Just Leave the Building!

You're a total wildcard! Resource? You've never heard her name. You think you're too cool for school and probably aren't social distancing right now... watch out because I might just have to narc on you if I see you post about hanging out with all of your friends on your Snapchat story again.