5 reasons why winter is a great time to Sell or Buy homes in Oakville

Winters in Canada have always been dreamy and beautiful. In the real estate world, winters are an off season for realtors. There are definitely less houses for sale in Oakville during the winters. That is because people would rather sell homes in Oakville during spring or summer and they have a good reason for it, as they would make a larger profit in those seasons. However, there is still a percentage of Oakville homes for sale inwinter. Winter is one of the best seasons to buy a home in Oakville, and we are going to tell just why is that so!

  1. Less Competition

First and foremost, it is evident that there is less competition in winter as compared to summer or spring. This makes the real estate market less busier in winter. The market is hyped up during summer and spring, and much quieter in winters. Not many realtors are willing to challenge themselves to check out investment properties in winter. Which is why, winter is the best time to buy a house as there are not many buyers out there during this time. You have an advantage when it comes to negotiating the selling price and a much higher probability of closing the deal within a short period of time. Moreover, Christmas itself is a good period to buy a house as most of the people out there will be celebrating.
2. Inspect The House In Challenging Weather Conditions
It is a known fact that Winters in Canada can be pretty harsh. Which is why, your home needs to be winter resistant. The same house that looks beautiful and perfect in summer/spring, might not look the same in winter. Hence, buying a house in winter allows you to have a close inspection of the property, both outside and inside. You sure do not want any leakage when it snows or rains. You can see if there will be a lot of ice accumulated on the roof and if cold air enters through the windows or underneath the doors. Moreover, you get to check if the heating system works well. So overall, you get to observe if the house is able to handle the harsh weather before purchasing it!

3. Motivated Sellers
Winter is the one season, in which you will find extremely motivated sellers. People that put their houses for sale in winters, want their properties to be off the real estate market as soon as possible. They could have a number of reasons, from family issues to job relocation, but all of this will be an advantage to a potential buyer as they will not have to wait for a long period of time before the deal closes, which also makes flexible when it comes to negotiation on the price or renovation costs. Hence, when a seller is motivated, a realtor has the upper hand in the entire purchasing process.
Also see related: Pros of selling home in winter
4. Realtors Are Less Busy
Another good reason to buy a house in Winter in simply because, realtors are less busy during this period of time. Summer and spring are two of the busiest seasons for realtors, and feeses are no doubt much higher. Since there are less people wanting to purchase a property in winter, it is the best time for you to invest in real estate if you are planning to work with a realtor. Realtors will be able to invest more time and effort and find the perfect house for you as they will have more time on their hands.
5. Promising Mortgage Rates
If you have the intention to take out a mortgage for a house you are interested in, winter is no doubt the perfect time of the year to purchase a house. You will be able to get favorable interest rates as there will be less customers who are applying for house loans during winter. This will result in you saving a lot of money in the long run and you can further invest in renovations.
Despite all the reasons mentioned above, it all depends on the buyer as to which season suits him/her. If you are looking for more options, then summer and spring season is better. However, in our point of view, winters are the best time to invest in real estate, for all the reasons mentioned in this article!