PRP vs. stem cell injections

PRP and stem cell injections are used to increase the level of hair growth. In what ways are platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy and stem cell injections different?
This article compares and contrasts PRP therapy and stem cell injections. If you want to know more about PRP therapy and stem cell injections, this topic is for you.

What Are Stem Cell Injections?
According to, “stem cells are special human cells that have the ability to develop into many different cell types, from muscle cells to brain cells.” These cells can be used to promote the growth of hair because they can strengthen hair follicles (the cells responsible for hair growth).

What Is PRP Therapy For Hair Loss?
Platelet-rich plasma therapy or PRP therapy is a unique technique where PRP (obtained from the blood) is injected into the scalp to help trigger hair growth. PRP comes with healing and growth properties which can help individuals trigger hair growth by repairing damaged hair follicles and growing more hair follicles.

Stem Cell Injections vs. PRP Therapy
Both techniques are minimally invasive and they help hair follicles grow hair better than before. These methods are different in many respects. PRP therapy is common due to the ease of obtaining PRP. Stem cell injections cost more than that of PRP injections.
If such kind of minimally invasive treatment does not work, a hair transplant can be tried for obvious results. To learn more about different hair restoration techniques, please get in touch with a hair restoration surgeon or a hair transplant surgeon.

Last Word Stem Cell Injections and PRP Therapy
This article compared and contrasted PRP therapy and stem cell injections. If you want to know more about PRP therapy and stem cell injections, this topic might have helped you.
In the end, we can say that stem cell and PRP injections are useful for hair growth. If you are a victim of hair fall yourself, you can try one of these options to reduce the level of fall out and grow more hair.