Digital Marketing Strategies for Computer Professionals

Created by Alex Sep 12, 2020

Digital Marketing Strategies

Gone are the days when IT professionals could count on the power of classifieds to get more customers . In turn, many can imagine that computer products, in such digital times, are easy to sell, but that is far from true! That's because the market is very competitive.

For this very reason, it is necessary for the computer professional to invest in digital marketing. Fortunately, thanks to the evolution of several processes related to digital marketing , today, with a little knowledge and money, it is possible to build a solid customer portfolio. Have you thought about getting more customers for your business through your website?

In this article we will bring you important tips for computer professionals who want to implement a marketing strategy, regardless of their area of ​​expertise, whether with the maintenance of computers, technical support , the sale of hardware and software, in addition to many other areas of IT.

What tools to use?

As an IT professional, you may be familiar with many of the tools we will cite below, but we will emphasize their importance within the context of Digital Marketing.


WordPress is the tool for editing and creating websites. Below, we will explain a little more, but the visual identity will be very important in your marketing strategy. Even if you are not a Web Designer, the tool is easy to understand.

For you to understand the importance of this tool, it is the most used content management platform in the world. In addition, one of its most important features is the offer of tools to optimize content for SEO.

If you are still going to build a website, don't forget to make a page listing your services or products. The question of whether or not to put the price is up to each one. Another important part of the site is the ways of contact. The most suitable forms of contact are emails, with the option of direct message on the website page, and availability of WhatsApp.

Google Ads

This tool was previously known as Google Adwords and is responsible for making it easier for customers to reach your site. On this Google platform, you can buy keywords.

When a person searches on Google for those terms, your site will appear among the suggested ads. Google itself provides guides for you to better understand your tool.

It is even possible to get certified in Google Ads.

Facebook Ads

Like the tool above, Facebook Ads is for creating ads. Its great advantage is being in the most used social network in the world, which increases its visibility. Unlike what we talked about in Google Ads, there is no need to buy words here.

The campaigns are configured to run in regions that you define, and each ad will have a cost.


For those who don't know, this acronym means Searching Engine Optimization , that is, it is the optimization of content for search engines (basically, for Google).

If your content does a good job of SEO, the link to your site will be among the first on the list in Google search, right after the paid ads.

Social media

The results of a well done SEO NYC services, although great, take a while to appear. Therefore, another good option is social networks.

Having social networks will mean a lot to your business , as you will make your presence noticed where your potential consumer is. In addition, you will also be facilitating the contact of those who are already customers with your brand.

From analysis, you can define who your audience is and which social networks it uses the most.

Digital marketing management

If you have the financial means, invest in hiring a professional or marketing agency.

If your business is an e-commerce, there are marketing consultants specialized in this type of store.

Explore the internet

Especially if you have an e-commerce, it is very important to take care of your web page. If you don't already have a website, it's time to invest! The page is the visual identity of the brand. In addition, this page will have better results if it is linked to social networks.

Within these pages, the content needs to be very well worked, bringing knowledge of value to customers.

Always keep in mind the customer profile that your store serves, even when thinking about the design of the pages, the language that will be used in the content. When thinking about content, the format must also be determined by the public: post, e-book, white-paper, among others.

Business management is crucial

The administrative will be the key to making everything work. Among the administrative processes, we indicate the following as essential:

·        Issuance of electronic invoice;

·        Cash book control;

·        Sales and financial control.

With these first three processes in order, you will have greater control over all other processes. For those who have difficulties in maintaining all these controls, the best solution is digital systems.

Digital Marketing and Business Management must go hand in hand, for better customer satisfaction and organization of the IT professional. Another important point to always be aware of is taxation, since, as we work with imported products, it is differentiated.

The systems available on the market take care of from the beginning of the sales process until the sending of the tax documents to the Federal Revenue and Finance.

Inventory and sales

Even with a super elaborated marketing strategy, your brand needs to be able to meet customer demands. It is necessary to have in stock, for example, sufficient quantity of a product that is on sale.

Some systems, already mentioned above, control the stock. With these controls, you will avoid selling what is missing. In addition, you will have control over which products are best-selling and can replenish.

The mantra of success with digital marketing should be: only offer what you can serve. Have any questions? Leave a comment below.

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1440 say

The printing press was invented


1989 say

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2020 say

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