What is your perfect summer hobby?

Ainsley Feigles
Created by Ainsley Feigles May 5, 2021

How would you like to spend your Saturday afternoon?

What must your vacation destination have?

When you go to a department store, you head for the ______.

What is your favorite movie genre?

Which of these colors do you most prefer?

Right after school, you like to…

Your morning routine is to…

What is your favorite subject in school?

The car you would choose to have is  ______.

When touring a college, you would pay special attention to the ______.



This summer, you should try your hand at gardening! You are not afraid to get a little dirty to create something new that you can watch flourish.

Hiking or Camping

Hiking or Camping

You like getting some physical activity in the great outdoors! Try going for long hikes this summer, or take it overnight for a camping excursion.

Going to the Beach or Pool

Going to the Beach or Pool

You have mastered the art of taking it easy. You will enjoy soaking up the sun with others this summer, whether at the beach or around the pool!

Outdoor Cooking

Outdoor Cooking

Your appreciation for all things culinary suggests that you may enjoy outdoor cooking! Whether it is trying your hand at the grill or perfecting your s’more technique, take your creativity outside this summer. 

What is your perfect summer hobby?