The Finnish Midsummer Quiz

What is the Finnish Midsummer all about? Have you noticed Finns running around naked in the rye fields or “poledancing” around a maypole? Take the quiz and see how well aware are you of the Finnish Midsummer traditions!

Aila Nieminen
Created by Aila Nieminen Jun 16, 2020
1 / 10

Midsummer night is called?

2 / 10

The Finns enjoy spending the Midsummer in?

3 / 10

Midsummer takes place?

4 / 10

Originally, the Midsummer time was celebrated in Finland as?

5 / 10

The Midsummer includes many magical rites. One can see the future by?

6 / 10

Bonfires are burned?

7 / 10

In the coastal areas and among the Swedish-speaking Finns, the maypole is decorated with?

8 / 10

If you put nine different flowers under your pillow on Midsummer night´s eve?

9 / 10

Traditionally, the bonfires were burnt?

10 / 10

A Midsummer spruce tree?

Questions left